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Rieserferner-Ahrn nature park

Discover a unique natural and cultural landscape

The Rieserferner-Ahrn nature park has the most glaciers in South Tyrol. Not only can you find the highest-altitude refuge hut in the province here, but also the highest density of three-thousand-metre-plus peaks, over 80 in total. But what exactly is a nature park? Nature parks are large, protected areas, which, due to their geological make-up and the uniqueness of the plants and animals that live there, are of particular value. They carry a seal of quality. Consequently, people are requested to act respectfully and mindfullythere, by avoiding, for example, leaving litter, making a noise, staying overnight in tents or disturbing animals and their breeding grounds. The official designation of the nature park also provides for the maintenance of the cultural landscape, the preservation of the unused natural landscapes in their original state, and for scientific research, the transfer of knowledge and guided tours.

Pure fascination!

The northernmost nature park in South Tyrol comprises an area of around 31,334 hectares, spread across the municipalities of Sand in Taufers, Gais, Percha, Rasen-Antholz, Ahrntal and Prettau. The park is bordered to the north-west by the Tauferer Ahrntal valley floor. To the east as far as the Staller Sattel, the park border runs alongside the national border with Austria. To the south-east, the conservation area borders the Antholz Valley, whilst to the south it is bordered by the Puster Valley. 

The heart of the protected area is formed by the Rieserferner Group with impressive summits such as Hochgall, Magerstein and Schneebige Nock. The Durreck Group and Durreckspitze lie between the Reintal and Ahrntal valleys. The Dreiherrenspitze and Rötspitze summits are among the most imposing in the Venediger Group

An abundance of waterin the form of mountain streams, waterfalls and lakes is characteristic of the park. The mixed coniferous forest provides the perfect living conditions for foxes, badgers, pine martens and pygmy owls. Golden eagles nest here regularly, whilst marmots amuse themselves on the lush grazing grass amongst the arnica, golden cinquefoil and catsfoot. The bottoms of the long valleys and small side valleys are densely populated, while on the steep slopes, scattered small hamlets lie with heavily utilised alpine pasture areas and mountain hay meadows. Above the tree line are the mountain pastures, which are grazed by cattle and sheep and mown in the summer months.


Experience the nature park

The best way to discover the nature park is to explore it by yourself, on an alpine hike, cycle ride, summit ascent or glacier tour. However you do it, it should always be considerately and safely!

The loveliest tours in the nature park

I want to know more!

You can immerse yourself further in the topic in two information centres.
At the nature park visitor centre in Sand in Taufers it is all about “The limits of nature and the limits of man”. There you can find out about the geology of the area, the retreat of the glaciers and the characteristic dialect spoken in the valley. You can see minerals, life-sized hand-carved birds of prey and special plants.

The Rieserferner Ahrn Nature Park Information Centre is based in a simple wooden building in Kasern, at the end of the Ahrntal Valley. Four trails that cross the border form the heart of the exhibition and provide information about the diverse nature and varied history of the region. As well as the handicrafts and agriculture of the upper reaches of the Ahrntal Valley, there is an atmospheric display about the locals.


Nature Park House Kasern/Casere
Nature Park House Kasern/Casere
Naturparkhaus 5d
39030 Kasern-Prettau/Casere-Predoi
Rieserferner-Ahrn Nature Park House
Rieserferner-Ahrn Nature Park House
Town Hall
39032 Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures
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