Ahrntal Valley Live
Sat 5°C 11°C
Sun -2°C 14°C
Mon -5°C 17°C
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Slopes & Facilities
open lifts 
22 / 24
open slopes 
59 / 62
open toboggan run 
9 / 14

Waterfall Schwarzbach

39030 Luttach/Ahrntal valley
General description

Marvel the impressive spectacle of the Schwarzbach waterfall above Luttach/Lutago wich, in the midst of a narrow crevice, falls 15 meters into a blue lagoon. Feel the cooling freshness on your skin, breathe in the pleasant fresh air and admire the colorful light reflections when the sun shines. The track is lined with wooden sculptures made during the annual sculptors-symposium by internationally renowned artists.

Description to arrive at destination

Sustainable with the public transport
By bus (line 450) to Luttach/Lutago, to the bus stop Tourismusbüro

By car
Bruneck/Brunico – Luttach/Lutago - 20 km
Kasern/Casere - Luttach/Lutago - 22 km

Luttach/Lutago, next to the Sportbar

Google Maps

April, May, June, July, August, September, October
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