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Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures
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Slopes & Facilities
open lifts 
22 / 24
open slopes 
57 / 62
open toboggan run 
11 / 14
Kirchdorf / Via Kirchdorf 81
39032 Ahornach / Acereto
General description

The history of tourism in Acereto is still young, as there was no access road to the village until 1967. However, already at the beginning of the 1960s, the Moosmair inn regularly welcomed visitors in the summer who did not mind the strenuous walk up the mountain. Luggage was delivered by a freight elevator to the nearby sawmill.

But the roots go much further back. Individual 'outsiders' may have walked up the steep mountain village as far back as 1800.

These and other interesting documents on mountain farming and tourism can be found in the private Moos-eum.

Description to arrive at destination

By bus:
Bus stop: Ahornach/Acereto Moosmair

  • Line 450 from Bruneck main station to Sand in Taufers Busbhf./Campo Tures Autostaz. – continue with line 453 in the direction to Ahornach/Acereto - bus stop "Ahornach/Acereto Moosmair"
  • Line 450 from Kasern/Casere to Sand in Taufers Busbhf./Campo Tures Autostaz. – continue with line 453 in the direction to Ahornach/Acereto - bus stop "Ahornach/Acereto Moosmair"

Online timetable search on Südtirol Mobil.

By car:
Destination: Ahornach/Acereto
Parking: Parking space in front of the hotel
Geographical position: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zvBPHdyby4R6aoRk6

Public transport
Easily reached by bus no. 453 "Sand in Taufers - Ahornach" - see www.suedtirolmobil.info for timetables
These and other interesting documents on mountain farming and tourism can be found in the private Moos-eum.
Mooseum Winter: December 7 2024 - April 27 2025
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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