Toul Yoga -Workshop Shakti Sadhana

The word "history" is made up of the two words "his" = to be and "story" = history. The story about yoga, as we have been told for decades, is therefore "his" view, the view of men. In the beginning, yoga was practised by men, taught by men, written down by men and passed on from men to men. It is obvious that the exercises, which were aimed at an ascetic body, are not unconditionally suitable for women.

Shakti Sadhana is a female spiritual practice. A female spiritual practice is neither reclusive nor ascetic in nature. Rather, it is a path that permeates every aspect of our lives. It is a non-dual practice that is strongly characterised by a nature spirituality and an embodiment of the experience of Oneness. The practice is also not aimed at a goal in the future. Rather, it is a process of melting, of unravelling the wisdom that is already present in all of us. In every moment of our lives. . - The lesson will be hold in german

Meeting point

Hall at the Raiffeisen-bank - Luttach/Ahrntal valley

Sustainable with public transport
With the public bus 450 to Luttach, bus stop Tourismusbüro

By car:
By car to Luttach, Raika building directly next to the main road on the left
Parking: Car park available
To bring along
yoga mat and comfortable clothes
Tickets can be exchanged at the Ahrntal Valley tourist offices until 4.00 pm the day before.
online or at the tourist offices
Information about the event
Raika Haal Luttach/Ahrntal valley Luttach/Ahrntal valley
Meeting place
Raika Haal Luttach/Ahrntal valley
+39 0474 671136
09:00 - 13:00
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