Ahrntal Valley Live
Sat 6°C – 13°C
Sun 2°C – 15°C
Mon 2°C – 17°C
weather report
Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures
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Slopes & Facilities
open lifts 
18 / 24
open slopes 
54 / 62
open toboggan run 
5 / 12

Travelling locally

How to get from A to B

Out and about in the Valley

During your holiday in the Ahrntal Valley you can confidently rely on the public transport network, if you want to explore the Ahrntal Valley’s tributary valleys, visit popular destinations or reach the starting points of hikes. In participating accommodations you will receive the museumobil guest pass , which entitles you to use all public transport in the südtirolmobil network system free of charge as well as granting free admission to over 80 museums, participation in the weekly programme and various discounts.


To the local timetable
Guest Pass & visitor tickets
For visitors to member establishments
Visitor tickets
For visitors to non-member establishments
Information for special needs

Are you travelling with a wheelchair, pushchair or bicycle? Are you carrying a large piece of luggage? Suedtirolmobil has information about all kinds of travel topics:

GuestPass Programme Winter
Get to know more...
GuestPass Programme Spring
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GuestPass Programme Summer
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GuestPass Programme Autumn
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